Plants Wanted for the 2025 Woodstock Neighborhood Plant Sale!
We need your help for the 2025 Woodstock Neighborhood Plant Sale, scheduled for Saturday, May 10, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Woodstock Community Center, located at 5905 SE 43rd Ave.
Our annual sale depends on donations from generous gardeners in the community. We are looking for perennials, as well as vegetable starts, herbs, ground covers, native plants, succulents, ornamental grasses, and shrubs, as well as houseplants.
We encourage you to contribute plants from your garden, potting them by March or early April in preparation for the sale.
Proceeds from this sale support routine maintenance, including custodial service and supplies, for the community center, as part of an agreement with Portland Parks that has helped keep the center open since 2004. Our community center depends on our annual plant sale, and our plant sale depends on all of us.
Drop off your plants between April 13 and April 27. For drop-off instructions, empty pots, or more information, contact Sandy Profeta ( or 503-771-7724) or Katee Foxx (kateeatfoxx@gmail.comor 989-941-9105).